Electromechanics, pneumatics and hydraulics

Berardi's products and services are used in sectors such as electromechanics, pneumatics and hydraulics, which is why we are partners with companies that produce: household and industrial appliances and power tools ; vending machines; public and civil lighting; pneumatic and hydraulic equipment; electrical components such as transformers, panels and switches.

Screws and related products

Berardi is a primary supplier of fastening systems needed to produce products for vending, electrical and lighting components . The vast assortment of standardized screws in the catalogue is joined by a complete range of related products, such as anchors, clips, wheel nuts, operating elements, clamps, springs and washers, while the expertise and professionalism of our technical department offer consultancy for the design of special-design products for every particular need.

Integrated Logistics

Serialized production requires a constant supply of materials, which is why we know how important it is to provide a careful and precise logistics service , which can facilitate the work of managing stocks . Our specialized team studies with you the ideal logistics solution based on the needs of the production chain, internal procedures and the conformation of the area involved in the service, in order to guarantee maximum efficiency in the supply of the necessary material. Our Kanban logistics service in particular is specifically designed to optimize the production chain , avoiding unforeseen events and emergencies that could interrupt or slow it down.

Discover the service

Quality references

  • Power Tool Manufacturers

    Some of the most important and well-known manufacturers of household appliances and power tools

  • Specialized companies

    Companies specialized in the production of pneumatic solenoid valves

  • International Industries

    Industries of international importance in the production of lighting and street furniture

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